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2023_0018_SafetyCorner_Ladder Safety.png

Welcome to the Safety Corner! This email series, provided by the Flood Control District Human Resources Division, will provide monthly tips to stay safe year-round. This month we have a double feature!: How to keep your heart healthy and a chance to learn more about the dangers of Radon.

Portable Ladder Safety Tips


  1. Make sure ladders are undamaged with no missing components or lose parts.

  2. Test all movable parts to see if they operate without binding or without too much free play.

  3. All labels should be intact and readable.

  4. Ladders shall be free of oil, grease, or slippery materials.

  5. Discard ladders that have been exposed to fire or strong chemicals.

  6. If you or your clothes catch on fire, “stop, drop and roll” your body on the ground.

  7. Place the ladder base on a secure and level footing.

  8. In crowded areas, erect warning signs or barricades to guide traffic away from the foot of the ladder.

  9. Never set up a ladder in front of a door unless the door is locked or a guard is posted.

  10. Do not carry equipment or materials on the ladder.

The below links are the references for the information in the memo:

California Department of Industrial Relations - Home Page

National Ladder Safety Month

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