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Issue 28
June 2023
Funding provided for Poor Farm Ditch Stormwater Conveyance Improvements

On June 28, Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher hosted a press conference to announce federal funding for stormwater conveyance improvements along Poor Farm Ditch. Poor Farm Ditch provides drainage to approximately 1,330 acres of highly developed area in the Brays Bayou watershed.

Executive Director Dr. Tina Petersen attended the event and thanked the cities of Southside Place and West University Place for their collaboration, as well as elected officials at all levels of government for their support in making this project possible. 

The funding will help build a new channel structure to rehabilitate the existing channel, while improving stormwater capacity, reinforcing access ramps, and ensuring the Flood Control District can conduct maintenance work on the channel moving forward.

To learn more about this project, visit

The Work Continues

As of June 2023, the excavation & removal (E&R) contractor for the Cypress Rosehill Stormwater Detention Basin (HCFCD Unit M528-01-00) has excavated a total 97,879 cubic yards (approximately 9,780 truckloads) from the project site. An E&R project is a low-cost way to excavate the basin in advance of major project construction. 

This basin is located on a 25-acre tract on the east side of Cypress Rosehill Road, between Burkhardt Road and Seidel Cemetery Road, in northwest Harris County. 

The purpose of the basin is to reduce flood risks in the Willow Creek watershed by safely storing excess stormwater during heavy rain events and slowly releasing it back to the bayou when the threat of flooding has passed.

The 2023 Hurricane Season has begun

The 2023 Hurricane Season began June 1, 2023. The Flood Control District encourages Harris County residents to prepare their families and homes for hurricanes and other weather-related impacts. Hurricanes can shatter lives as well as damage property. Being prepared can help you, your family or your business minimize the impact of the storm.


“The best time to start preparing is before the threat is imminent. Knowing what tools are available to you before a disaster will enable you and your family to make the best choices during a hurricane. While we can never prevent flooding entirely, the Flood Control District offers several interactive tools that are packed with valuable information about area bayous and streams," said Dr. Tina Petersen, Executive Director. 


“Residents need to be prepared by creating a hurricane kit with supplies, having an action plan for you and your family in the event of a storm, and frequently monitoring trusted weather sources throughout hurricane season. During a severe weather event, the Flood Control District's Flood Operations team will monitor rainfall trends and check the gages that measure rainfall amounts and water levels in bayous and creeks. This important data is critical to helping residents make informed decisions,” said Jeff Lindner, Meteorologist. 


Preparedness is the key to protecting Harris County residents and property. By preparing in advance of a weather event, residents can minimize damages as much as possible if a hurricane threatens the area. Do not wait until a storm is approaching to get ready.

Purchase flood insurance. The Flood Control District recommends that all Harris County residents become informed about their flood risk and have flood insurance no matter where they reside in Harris County.  Flood insurance accelerates the rebuilding and replacement of personal property and fosters community resiliency as a whole.  For information on flood insurance, visit the National Flood Insurance Program website or call 1-888-379-9531.   

Sign up for FWS alerts. The Flood Warning System offers an alert feature that allows residents to subscribe to receive email and/or text alerts that report near real-time rainfall and water levels. Residents are able to customize alerts and notifications for bayous and tributaries in their particular areas of interest. Sign up for the Alert Notification System at  

Know your home’s risk of flooding. You can view a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM or floodplain map) at the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Map Service Center.  

View the  Flood Control District Storm Center webpage at to view the Hurricane Guide, information on Flood Insurance and more. 

Flood Control District presents to Greater Houston Business Procurement Forum

Maintenance Continues

Maintenance and repairs continue to move forward in the Addicks Reservoir Watershed for Repair Package 1 (Project ID Z100-00-00-X308). Our contractor is currently installing outfall pipes and interceptors on a section of channel formally identified as Unit ID: U106-00-00

Pushing Forward
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The Mud Gully Channel Conveyance Improvements project (Project ID A120-00-00-C004) continues to move forward despite impacts from  recent weather events. Crews are focused on work along  the channel bottom along the northbound side of the Mud Gully (Beamer Ditch).

Construction Update
Lauder Stormwater Detention Basin-1.jpeg

The Flood Control District attended the Greater Houston Business Procurement Forum, which focused on  “Emergency Preparedness - Planning and Preparing for a Disaster Event.” Each invited speaker gave an overview of their agency’s efforts around emergency preparedness. Ataul Hannan, Planning Division Director for the Flood Control District,  explored the importance of the organization’s work and operations and its benefits to Harris County residents.

The Greater Houston Business Procurement Forum hosts this monthly event  to help local businesses grow through connecting, networking, and educating on government and corporate projects, and other procurement opportunities.

Construction continues on Phase II of the $22.5 million Lauder Stormwater Detention Basin project in the Greens Bayou watershed. More than 300,000 cubic yards of soil has been excavated from the site, and when complete, it will hold approximately 212 million gallons, or more than 651-acre feet, of excess stormwater. Phase I of the project was completed in Spring 2022, and Phase II is estimated to be completed in early 2024.


Click here to read the most recent tips to stay safe!

Ground broken on Bear Creek Village Subdivision Drainage Improvement Project

In the News
Bear Creek Groundbreaking 6-9-23
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Live Interview

The Flood Control District's Executive Director Dr. Tina Petersen attended the Bear Creek Village Subdivision Drainage Improvement Project Groundbreaking hosted by Precinct 4 Commissioner Lesley Briones.

The $20.2 million drainage improvement project includes upsizing the storm sewer system, reconstructing driveways and street sections, and adjusting waterlines and sanitary sewer lines.

Dr. Petersen’s remarks highlighted the fact that preventing all flooding in Harris County is virtually impossible, but every project helps the community cope with flooding by helping to reduce the risk and frequency of damages. She also thanked the  local, state, and federal partners who help make projects like this a reality.

Flood Control District recruits at Veteran Career Fair