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Shane Hrobar Addresses Students on Selective Clearing
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Harris County Flood Control District’s Shane Hrobar was a guest speaker of the Army Corps of Engineers who recently hosted the Student Conservation Association (SCA) at the Addicks Reservoir. A total of 5 students (1-student team leader and 4-team members were in attendance. As conservation apprentices, SCA students are interested in the Corps philosophy of promoting an ecosystem approach to environmental stewardship, regarding application of engineering, science, and technical services in an environmentally sustainable, economically viable, and technically sound manner, with a broad focus on collaborative partnerships and interactions with stakeholders. 


Favorable and controversial encounters with federal, state, local sponsors, private partners, environmental/conservation organizations, and especially the resource agencies are sought.  “Ultimately,” SCA students want to learn about the missions and stakeholders the Corps engages with, and how they can best prepare themselves for potential employment/career pathways with the Corps or its partners.   

As part of their site visit the Corps wanted  to expose them to flood risk management, water control, partnerships and provide insights into potential career pathways with the Corps and/or partners agencies such as the Flood Control District. Therefore, Shane attended to present on the Flood Control District’s selective clearing and de-snagging activities and to give an overview of the Flood Control District as a whole.  

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